Saturday, August 31, 2019

Education Essay Essay

Education? is? not? only? conditioning,? but? conditioning? for? the? future? and? conditioning? for? the? mind.? Somewhere? along? the? way? the? strive? to? learn? has? been? lost? on? education.? Its? hard? to? determine? where? this? all? went? wrong.? Like? many? in? the? past,? those? who? have? the? drive? to? learn,? earn? an? education.? Drive? and? determination? can? not? be? taught? in? a? classroom.? Some? of? the? most? important? subjects? that? should? be? taught? in? class,? are? not.? The? purpose? of? education? is? to? condition? youth? for? the? challenges? they? face? in? the? future.? Students?  are? trained? not? educated.? I? have? never? had? to? overcome? a? language? barrier.? I? have? never? had? to? overcome? a? racial? barrier? either.? As? long? as? I? can? remember? learning? has? been? a? part? of? my? life.? Not? just? learning,? but? education.? The? struggles? Richard? Rodriguez? and? Fredrick? Douglass? went? through? do? not? apply? to? me.? Rodriguez? and? Douglass? were? both? lucky? enough? to? discover? education,? where? as? education? found? me.? Fredrick? Douglass? once? said,? â€Å"Without? struggle? there? is? no? progress. †? This? quote? really? sums? up? Douglass? and? his? message.? Douglass? went? through? his? fair? share? of? struggles? and? became? a? better? man? because? of? it.? If? what? I? face? now? in? my? life? is? a? struggle,? how? much? can? I? really? progress At? least? I’ll? always? have? education? to? take? advantage? of.? All? Americans? are? given? the? right? of? an? education.? Depending? on? the? person,? this? right? can? either? be? used? or? ignored.? A? large? part? in? why? so? many? immigrants? travel? to? the? US,? is? because? it? offers? free? public? education.? Because? of? taxes? no? child? has? to? pay? to? learn.? There? are? also? no? restrictions? on? who?  has? the? right? to? an? education? in? the? United? States.? Yet? education? is? not? appreciated? by? most? like? it? should.? Learning? is? a? power.? Not? a? power? that? all? people? have? but? the? ones? that? do? have? it? need? to? use? it,? completely? use? it.? Fredrick? Douglass? realized? how? powerful? the? ability? to? learn? could? be.? So? did? Maya? Angelou.? Neither? of? them? would? have? lived? the? lifes? they? did? without? the? power? of? learning.? To? make? mistakes? and? learn? from? them? so? they? don’t? recur.? Read.? Comprehend.? Write.? Read.? Comprehend.? Write.? And? repeat.? I? create?  sentences? so? I? can? reap? the? benefits.? Until? a? student? becomes? proficient? in? reading,? comprehending,? and? writing? that? student? won’t? be? successful? in? the? educational? system.? The? goal? isn’t? to? learn.? Education? used? to? be? about? learning.? Different? people? learn? in? different? ways.? Education? is? interesting? to? some? but? boring? to? others.? For? one? to? be? educated,? they? first? have? to? learn.? The? ability? to? learn? is? not? a? strength? all? people? are? born? with.? It? is? an? important? skill? most? people? develop? throughout? their? life.? Frederick? Douglass? was?  not? taught? as? a? child.? Douglass? did? not? go? to? school,? but? the? fact? that? he? is? educated? can? not? be? argued.? Based? off? that? fact? alone,? it? is? proven? that? one? does? not? need? to? be? schooled? to? be? educated.? Douglass? was? determined? to? learn.? He? was? steadfast? in? educating? himself? to? have? a? brighter? future.? Being? a? slave? in? the? 19th? century,? a? bright? future? does? not? exist.? Through? his? determination,? Douglass? shows? how? the? importance? of? an? education? is. Education? does? not? always? occur? in? the? classroom.? It? can? be? found? almost? anywhere.? Frederick? Douglass? mentions? in? his? narrative? Learning? to? Read? that? the? little? boys? who? taught? him? how? to? read? will? be? free? at? twenty? one? years? old? men,? whereas? Douglass? just? wishes? to? be? free? more? than? anything.? Learning? does? not? only? occur? in? the? classroom.? It? happens? in? many? everyday? experiences.? Sometimes? the? only? way? to? learn? something? is? to? do? it? personally.? Maya? Angelou? once? said:? â€Å"Words? mean? more? than? what? is? set? on? paper.? It? takes? the? human? voice? to? infuse? them? with? a? deeper? meaning. †? Just? because? a? student? reads? from? a? book? does? not? guarentee? they? will? receive? the? full? effect? of? the? writing.? Words? need? to? be? said,? plays? need? to? be? acted,? speeches? need? to? be? read.? Most? american? scholars? today? dredd? the? idea? of? reading.? High? schoolers? all? across? the? country? will? try? to? find? anyway? to? get? around? actually? having? to? read.? For? education? to? be? successful? in? teaching? a? student? a? lesson,? the? attitude? of? the? student? must? be? appropriate.? Students? who? don’t? want? to? learn? won’t,? it’s? really? that? simple.? Students? need? to? be? taught? how? to? learn.?   

Friday, August 30, 2019

Death of a Hired Man

Subject Matter The subject matter of the poem is of a couple that live on a farm. Mary is sat waiting for Warren to arrive home. When she sees him she tells him that Silas is back. The two start talking about Silas and Mary tells Warren how worn out he looks. They talk about how he used to work on the farm and the boy that used to work with him, who is now a scholar to Silas's dislike. Mary then tell warren that Silas has come here to die and how he sees this place as his home. Warren mentions Silas rich brother and how Silas wont go to see him because of his pride.Warren goes inside to how Silas is doing and when he returns out side he tell Mary that he is dead. Themes The themes that are present in this poem is life as well as death, Family & Friendship, Home and belonging. Life & Death The sense of death is set when Mary says â€Å"he has come home to die:/ you needn't be afraid he'll leave you this time† and the couple start to reminisce of Silas's life and the things that he used to do. Character Development Mary’s character is shown us from the first line.Although the day has been busy—busy enough that she and her husband had to go their separate ways to get everything done, with Warren returning from the market at or after dark, Mary just waits at the table, being close to Silas should he wake up, but not occupied with end-of-day tasks such that she might miss the sound of Warren’s approach. She does not dare miss Warren at the door, and prepare him for what he will find in the kitchen. Mary is a mixture of kindness, firmness, and resolve. She advises her husband to â€Å"Be kind† then â€Å"you mustn’t laugh at him† and then â€Å"Go look. See for yourself. Yet she only does this after she has softened Warren’s hard crust. She is concerned that Warren will hurt Silas’ feelings. She dragged Silas into the house, gave him tea, tried to make him smoke, urges him to talk about his situation. Sh e is comforting to the wayward worker. And his sorry condition â€Å"hurt [her] heart the way he lay/ And rolled his old head on that sharp-edged chair-back. † Yet, she is firm and resolved. Before Warren ever gets home and gives her consent, she has fed and entertained Silas, and made up a bed for him. She seems fairly certain that she can convince Warren that Silas must stay.Yet, she also trusts her man. While he has that crust she must break through, she allows him time alone with Silas and seems sure that Warren will do the right and charitable thing. Warren's Character Warren’s Character Contrasts with Mary’s in â€Å"The Death of the Hired Man† Warren returns from the market, probably at late twilight, expecting to find dinner on the table, and instead finds the next-to-worthless Silas returned, in the dead of winter, at a time when farm hands are not really needed. He hears that Silas plans to â€Å"ditch the meadow† this time, something tha t apparently has come between them before.Warren sees himself as a kind man. He has put up with Silas in times past, perhaps for several seasons. The words imply several cycles of hiring, leaving for better wages or for whatever, return in the off-season, and re-hiring. Warren, rather than interfere when Silas argued the value of education with the young farm hand working a summer while in college, stayed â€Å"well out of earshot† and let them argue. He has been kind. Yet he is cynical. He smiled at Mary’s description of Silas as â€Å"a miserable sight,† drawing from her a mild rebuke. Will Silas really work this time?Mary describes his condition as poor, and thinks he might be past his working days. Warren disputes that sight unseen. If Silas is to stay with them he is to work for his keep. Warren is not uncharitable; he just believes Silas' brother, whom he thinks is well-to-do, should be the one to provide care. Silas, the Unreliable Hired Man Although Sila s never speaks in this poem, much is revealed about him. He has a disdain for learning. He has trouble staying with a job when he thinks he can make more money elsewhere. He takes advantage of peak labor times to sell himself to the highest bidder.He makes promises he cannot keep, such as â€Å"ditching the meadow. † This is a curious phrase. What does it mean? Is the meadow poorly drained and in need of having some ditches cut—hard, backbreaking labor? If so, it appears Silas abandoned Warren and Mary when they needed him most. Or is this some kind of useless task that Silas thought needed doing but which Warren had no intention of paying for? Either way, although it is a point of contention between the farm couple and the laborer, the fact that Silas is fixated on it declares his stubbornness.Conflict Handled Through Words and Actions, not Telling The conflict between Warren and Mary reaches a peak when Mary says, â€Å"he has come home to die,† and Warren say s, â€Å"Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. † Mary seems to bristle at this and gives a sharp reply: â€Å"I should have called it/ Something you somehow haven’t to deserve. † What does this mean? Is it a generic description of home, that no one has to do something to deserve what should be theirs?Or is she saying that Warren is not deserving of the home he has, a stronger statement? The conflict is sharp enough that Warren leaves the front steps and does something meaningless: he walks a few feet, picks up a small stick, brings it back to the steps, breaks it, and throws the parts away. He seems to be doing something physical as a means of breaking the tension with his wife. The poem ends with the three main characters well developed, mostly through dialog but also through a minimum of actions. Much can be learned about them in these few lines excellently crafted.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Quantum Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quantum - Coursework Example Consequently, LDA is generally related to functionals, which are based on HEG approximation. LDA are implemented in realistic systems measurements and calculations (for example, molecules and solids). In a general view, for a spin-unpolarized system, â€Å"LDA for the exchange-correlation energy is the following where  ?  refers to the  electronic density  and  ?xc, the exchange-correlation energy concentration, is a function of the density. The exchange-correlation energy is split into exchange and correlation terms in a linear view: thus separate expressions for  Ex  and  Ec  are defined. Separate expressions known for the correlation density lead to numerous different approximations for  ?c†. (Parr and Weitao, 1994) LDA is a part of any approximate exchange-correlation functional. Its main function is to â€Å"replicate direct results of the HEG for non-varying densities† (Parr and Weitao 1994, p. 35). As a result, LDA is often mentioned as an exp licit component of such kind of functional. The Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) Modern scientists and researchers are greatly concerned about updating GGA functionals in their implementation in molecules and solids. ... Currently, accents in â€Å"generalized gradient approximations are shifted toward the description of free-atom energies† (Perdew et al, 2008). A group of scientists, Perdew et al (2008) have transformed and â€Å"adapted the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof generalized gradient approximation that updates equilibrium characteristics of dense solids and their surfaces† (Perdew et al, 2008). It is relevant to underline that the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof is a widely-used tool in solid state calculations. Consequently, a relevant note is that PBE is currently transformed with regard to GGA implementing both the density and its gradient at every space point (Perdew et al, 2008). If to correlate both concepts GGA and PBE, it will be clearly seen that GCA counterbalances â€Å"computational efficiency, numerical accuracy, and reliability† (Perdew et al 2008, p. 4068). Moreover, â€Å"PBE refers to the demands of quantum chemistry and solid-state physics† (Perdew et al 2008, p . 4068). Modern scientists think that it is necessary to ‘widen horizons’ of PBE implementation. Thus during the last decade it has been found out that â€Å"PBE reduces the chronic overbinding of the local spin density approximation (LSDA) [1], but, while LSDA often slightly underestimates equilibrium lattice constants by about 1%, PBE usually overestimates them by about the same amount† (Perdew et al 2008, p. 4070). Moreover, another important point of PBE properties is its equilibrium properties (e.g. bulk moduli, phonon frequencies, magnetism, and ferroelectricity). The abovementioned properties are susceptible to the lattice constant; thus they are ‘overcorrected’ by PBE (Perdew et al, 2008). Moreover, in spite of the fact that LSDA defines low

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Marketing - Essay Example Approximately 25% are sold through salons and the remainder through major retailers. Manufactures can open a chain of salons, which utilize and market their line exclusively, and the consumers are not a focused group. Barriers To Entry: There are few barriers to entry or exit for this product. An initial approval by the FDA is easily accomplished by using pre-approved materials in approved quantities. Exit from the market is not hindered, as assets would be reusable on another product line. Threat of Substitutes: The product may be threatened by a fashion move away from straight hair. This is partially facilitated in a recessed economy as less money is spent on hair care products and the consumer is likely to accept curly hair. Rivalry: There is an intense rivalry in the hair care sector. There are a large number of suppliers selling in a slow growth sector. Most of the products are very similar and are set off only by brand recognition. Customers are free to choose among many brands and the limited market for hair straighteners is not conducive to long term concentrated ad campaigns. There are also low risks involved with abandoning a product line. Production lines and equipment are generic to many products. Strengths: The major strength is that the product works in a matter of minutes, which is faster than our competitors. We also have an approved product and the experience to take it to market. At scale, it can be produced it at a competitive price. Weaknesses: Our major weakness is a lack of brand recognition. This will make it difficult to penetrate the lucrative salon market. We are also faced with a situation that makes it necessary to ramp up sales quickly while having limited advertising opportunities. Exploiting the speed of the product may create an attraction for salons and customers. Opportunities: There is the opportunity to exploit the unique speed at which the product works. This could develop

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Persuasive Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Persuasive - Research Paper Example This initiation process that aims at propagating the achievement of the set goals describes motivation (Nelson & Quick, 2013). There exist various ways in which employees could be motivated, including fair compensation, provision of conducive working environment and use of rewards and incentives. Taking the context of a convenience store where I work as cashier together with other three, I earn a monthly salary that equals that of the other cashiers despite always serving the highest number of customers monthly. In as much as we appreciate the effort that our supervisor has put forth in taking care of our welfare including provision of medical insurance and free lunch on working days, I feel that more needs to be done to optimally motivate us to serve customers faster, especially during peak times, so as to avoid longer queues which discourage customers. Appreciating the argument by Nelson and Quick (2013) that motivation would take place through a combination of approaches in any gi ven context, it would thus be important for our supervisor to adopt additional strategies in order to make us more motivated to work faster. In this case, I propose the inclusion of rewards to top performers, monthly, quarterly or semi-annually depending on the availability of resources. Danish and Usman (2010) acknowledge rewarding employee performance as a significant stimulus in sustaining high performance. The law of effects indicates that people would tend to repeat actions that cause them to attain positive rewards. As a cashiers therefore, if the supervisor rewards my all-time high transactions, I would be motivated to maintain the high performance. This has been referred to as a complement or an external reward. However, this would call for effective appraisal of employees’ performance so as to ensure accurate evaluation of performance. This argument has not only attracted research studies but has also caused scholars to come up with theories that could explain it. In deed, Victor H. Vroom attributed this phenomenon to the expectancy theory which postulates that people would desire outcomes of performance and behavior that could be considered as rewards of behavior (Nelson & Quick, 2013). This implies that with employees being aware that their effort would be rewarded by performance and further rewards, they would put greater effort which increases productivity. Of all the motivation approaches, the study of the Pakistani context by Danish and Usman (2010) indicates that rewards have been the most preferred by employees as opposed to other approaches like operating procedures, recognition and the work. As such, it means that this would be the most effective motivation strategy for our cashiers. Similar observation has been made by Brooks (2012) who acknowledges rewards as the most preferred and thus effective strategy to motivation of employees. The reason for its preference would be the value that employees attach on such rewards which would all ow for pursuance. Successful global organizations respect this postulate and as such have adopted reward plans that match their organizational needs (Nelson & Quick, 2013). The limitation of the supervisor adopting this employee motivation strategy in the convenience store, just like in any other organization would be the argument that rewards would increase the organizational expenses. Acquisition

Monday, August 26, 2019

Color-blind racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Color-blind racism - Essay Example The study aims at discussing colour-blind prejudice and explaining how neoliberal was drawn on old thoughts and experiences of race. Critics allege that many people apply the use of colour- blindness as way of avoiding the subject of prejudice and racial bias. The term is used to weaken populace legal right achieved by some minority collections. In the United States for instance, the country was made by settlers. Roads and canals were built by Irish while the Chinese were employed to finish the transcontinental railway line (Carl 1). Due to the competition among the settlers and workers especially from China, they were forced to resolve to less in order to retain jobs. Thus, the employer has effectively removed the difference between illegal and lawful settlers. They all lined up outside the company long before the doors were unlocked to be the first to start work. Around the globe, neo-liberalism has been inflicted by strong financial organizations like the World Bank, and the international monetary finance. World nations are told to minimize their import restriction, monetary controls and duty. The process of neo-liberalism was made possible in order to protect their sovereignty as well as competitive gain (Massey 124). They are informed to allow internationals the right to control banks, industries and public utilities and to exploit natural reserves. The exploration was to be done without restrictions in order to endorse all round economic development. In the current global economy, capitalist market strategy has taken grasp across the globe more than any time in history. It attracted more region of the planet and a growing section of the populace into capitalistic social connection. The outcome is an increasingly rough development and ever-greater social disruptions worldwide. At the time of the North America free trade agreement (NAFTA) cooperation, for instance, Mexican President Carlos

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Maintenance and Plumbing Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Maintenance and Plumbing Services - Essay Example This research will begin with the strength of the business. Maintenance and plumbing services offered by the business is enjoying various merits or strengths. The use of social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is one of the ways that will envision the mission of the business to another level in the market. The target will be enlarged via marketing through social media; however, in order to meet the full potentials of the business, the management will consider using brand promotion. The business will adopt an artistic approach such as using famous artists to advertise a product via social media.   The business is using powerful digital resources to get a grip on the target market as compared to the competitors. This is considered as an added advantage to the business. Despite the fact that the business is using this approach to meet its goals and objectives, it should consider other clients with limited digital access. Thus, the business will also consider bringing other marke ting strategies such as the use of hard digital materials as the use of bronchus. In addition, the business will also use billboard and posters to meet the potential clients who have infinite digital distance. Enjoying weaknesses of the competitors places Mp services an upper hand in the business. For example, its competitors are not embracing the use of digital marketing and online plans to meet their target market.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Principles of accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Principles of accounting - Assignment Example Each journal entry must have a credit and debit of equal amount. There are different ledgers accounts used in an accounting system such as the cash, expense, account receivable, equity, accounts payable, sales, and depreciation account among others. Each account has a normal balance. If the normal account is a debit the account increases through debit and decreases by way of a credit. When the normal account is credit the account increases through a credit and decreases by a debit. The income statement is a very important financial statement that provides information regarding the profitability of a company during an accounting period. All financial statements are prepared at the end of the accounting cycle. There a certain journal entries that affect only the income statement. An example of a journal entry that affects the income statement is recording a cash sale. For instance if the business makes a sale and the customer pays by cash the corresponding journal entry is a debit to c ash and a credit to sales. Based on the assumption that the normal balance of cash is debit this transaction increases the cash account of the company because the firm received money. The balance sheet is another major financial statement that is regarded as a statement of position.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Develop strategic HRM plans and policies for an organisation Essay

Develop strategic HRM plans and policies for an organisation - Essay Example The main aspects which are identified include areas of recruitment and selections, training and development, communication programs, performance management systems and even conflict management. Besides implementing fairness in all of the above HR aspects it is recommended that the organizations provides a common platform for all in which they could voice any problem faced with regards to diversity. Hurdle free communication channels, instant and continuous support from executives for resolving diversity issues and grievances handling are particularly recommended. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 HRM plans and policies for an organization operating in the global business environment 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 11 Bibliography 15 Introduction Today’s organizations seek to attain excellence through diversity. However, the term diversity is often seen to raise controversy, confusion and complication. However, despite the various severe implications of dive rsity, organizations continue to encourage diversity at the workplace. This is primarily applicable for the large and multinational organizations which have multinational presence across all corners of the globe. The word diversity immediately brings to mind the differences in race and ethnicity rather than gender of the workforce. In other words diversity is defined as those human qualities and characteristics which different between individuals and groups but are existent in the people outside the group. It is rather important to realize that the concept of diversity includes very many different dimensions apart from age, gender, race, geographic location, religious beliefs, work experiences etc. These dimensions have important implications for performance and productivity, success and motivation and interactions among employees in the organization. It is important that organizations use these dimensions to their use and advantage rather than focusing on their elimination. That is why managing diversity has emerged as a popular concept in organizational scenario today and is widely practiced in almost all organizations; the multinational organizations in particular. They accept the fact that diversity contributes to the richness of the organization and enhances the quality of organizational life for groups and individuals. Today’s organizations take pride in workforce differences and use them to their own benefit. The project seeks to make an analysis of the various dimensions of diversity in organizations and their implications in organizational life. Based on the analysis it developed human resource management policies and practices aimed at managing a diverse workforce in the global organizations. Specific recommendations are provided in the form of strategic HRM plans for an organization which is expanding its presence in the global market. HRM plans and policies for an organization operating in the global business environment Organizations workin g in the global market must strive to create a harmonious and inclusive environment as it enhances their reputation as being favorable recruiters and allows them to attract and retain the best talents from the industry. The main aspect of managing a diverse workforce is to provide employees with the feeling of inclusiveness, rewarded and valued despite their differences. This helps to motivate them and attain their maximum engagement at the workplace. In a survey

Critical review and comparison of 2 refereed and related journal Literature

Critical and comparison of 2 refereed and related journal articles in the field of business information management - Literature review Example 1st journal -strengths The paper ‘Customer Perspectives on E-business Value: Case Study on Internet Banking’ written by Rahmath Safeena from its title reflects an important issue in the modern banking sector exhibited by the author. Along with that the author have also used keywords like internet banking, information and communication technology (ICT); perceived usefulness, ease of use, risk, awareness which are appropriate in examining the customer’s perspective (Safeena, 2010, p.5).Before moving into the discussion of the subject matter with in depth analysis, a brief literature review has been provided by the author reflecting various aspects of internet banking (Safeena, 2010, p.6). Identification of the research methodology is a crucial factor in executing research in a rigorous manner on a particular topic and also helps to deliver robust inferences. In this paper the process of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is being used for analyzing the extent of the acceptance of the internet banking system by the customers. The incorporation of the TAM model is a judicious application for reflecting the perspective of the customers related to the internet banking system (Safeena, 2010, pp. 6-7). ... Empirics also reveal that there has been a positive correlation between the above two variables in the study of internet banking (Safeena, 2010, p.7). Applying proper statistical techniques it has been also found that when the online banking is perceived as useful then the customers are prone towards using internet banking. The findings state that usefulness, ease of use and risks are the prime parameters which affect positively the acceptability of the internet banking procedures (Safeena, 2010, pp.8-11). 1st journal -Weaknesses The author have mentioned description of different types of internet banking as well as different security issues in the literature review part but have included all the references which are old in their year of publication which are majorly around the year 1999-2000 and one or two references in the recent years like 2006 (Safeena, 2010, p.7). Again, in the strength section the process of TAM is mentioned which is indeed a good method of executing the resear ch. But still this process suffers from some limitations. The first limitation is attached with the explanatory power of the model. Empirical results also found that the existing studies account for less than 60% of the variance explained especially those used by the professional users (Sun & Zhang, 2006, p.53). The sample used in for the purpose of research is students of business and economics students of an educational campus. But studying only the perspectives of the students will not provide any general conclusions about the overall public perspectives on the internet banking. (Khan & Mahapatra, 2009, p.35). The method of questionnaire has been used in carrying on the research and in the paper it is stated that relevant questions have been

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Coffee Benefits Essay Example for Free

Coffee Benefits Essay Several studies comparing moderate coffee drinkers (about 2 cups a day) with light coffee drinkers (less than one cup a day) found that those who drank more coffee were significantly less likely to develop Alzheimers disease later in life. [2][3] [edit] Reduced risk of gallstone disease Drinking caffeinated coffee has been correlated with a lower incidence of gallstones and gallbladder disease in both men[4] and women[5] in two studies performed by the Harvard School of Public Health. A lessened risk was not seen in those who drank decaffeinated coffee. [edit] Reduced risk of Parkinsons disease A study comparing heavy coffee drinkers (3. 5 cups a day) with non-drinkers found that the coffee drinkers were significantly less likely to contract Parkinsons Disease later in life. [6]. Likewise, a second study found an inverse relationship between the amount of coffee regularly drunk and the likelihood of developing Parkinsons Disease. [7] [edit] Cognitive performance Many people drink coffee for its ability to increase short term recall and increase IQ[8]. Likewise, in tests of simple reaction time, choice reaction time, incidental verbal memory, and visuospatial reasoning, participants who regularly drank coffee were found to perform better on all tests, with a positive relationship between test scores and the amount of coffee regularly drunk. Elderly participants were found to have the largest effect associated with regular coffee drinking. [9] Another study found that women over the age of 80 performed significantly better on cognitive tests if they had regularly drunk coffee over their lifetimes. [10] [edit] Analgesic enhancement Coffee contains caffeine, which increases the effectiveness of pain killers, especially migraine and headache medications. [11] For this reason, many over-the-counter headache drugs include caffeine in their formula. [edit] Antidiabetic Coffee intake may reduce ones risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 by up to half. While this was originally noticed in patients who consumed high amounts (7 cups a day), the relationship was later shown to be linear. [12] [edit] Liver disease Coffee can also reduce the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver[13] and has been linked to a reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, a primary liver cancer that usually arises in patients with preexisting cirrhosis. [14] The exact mechanism and the amount of coffee needed to achieve a beneficial effect are as yet unclear. [15] [edit] Cancer Coffee consumption is also correlated to a reduced risk of oral, esophageal, and pharyngeal cancer. [16][17] In ovarian cancer, no benefit was found. [18] In the Nurses Health Study, a modest reduction in breast cancer was observed in postmenopausal women only, which was not confirmed in decaffeinated coffee. [19] [edit] Cardioprotective Coffee reduces the incidence of heart disease, though whether this is simply because it rids the blood of excess lipids or because of its stimulant effect is unknown. [citation needed] [edit] Laxative/diuretic Coffee is also a powerful stimulant for peristalsis and is sometimes considered to prevent constipation; it is also a diuretic. However, coffee can also cause loose bowel movements. Practitioners in alternative medicine often recommend coffee enemas for cleansing of the colon due to its stimulus of peristalsis, although mainstream medicine has not proved any benefits of the practice. [edit] Antioxidant Coffee contains the anticancer compound methylpyridinium. This compound is not present in significant amounts in other food materials. Methylpyridinium is not present in raw coffee beans but is formed during the roasting process from trigonelline, which is common in raw coffee beans. It is present in both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, and even in instant coffee. [20] http://ezinearticles. com/? Coffee-and-Its-Antioxidants-Healthier-Than-You-May-Realizeid=1235899 Did you know that coffee is chock full of antioxidants, an anticancer agent? If youve always thought coffee is bad for you, think again. Aside from keeping you alert and awake, coffee can also keep you young and fighting cancer. So, continue reading for answers to some frequently asked questions about coffee and its antioxidants. What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are any vitamin or nutrient that can help prevent cancer or damage to the heart and other tissues caused by free radicals. By neutralizing free radicals, they prevent cell degradation. Antioxidant rich foods include blueberries, raspberries, dates, chocolate and, of course, coffee. What type of antioxidants are in coffee? The antioxidants found in coffee are called polyphenols. More specifically, the compound is methylpridinium. The antioxidant isnt present in raw, green coffee beans, but is actually created during the roasting process. How much coffee is enough? Research has shown that people who drink one to two coffees a day have half the risk of developing liver cancer when compared to people who didnt drink coffee. Meanwhile, drinking 4 to 6 cups of coffee can reduce your risk for type-2 diabetes by as much as 50 percent. However, despite the reduced risk for these diseases and other cancers, like oral, esophageal, and pharyngeal cancer, doctors dont recommend you start drinking 10 cups a day. Coffee is still a stimulant and a diuretic and if drunk in excess can cause heart problems, anxiety and possible dangerously elevated blood pressure. Can I get these antioxidants from other sources? The specific antioxidant compound of methylpridinium is only found in substantial amounts in coffee. While other food sources like cranberries, dates and other antioxidant-rich foods contain different types of antioxidants, coffee is the primary source for this particular compound. (For other sources of antioxidants try bananas, dry beans, blueberries, pomegranates, lychees and the other foods listed above.) A recent study also found that the vast majority of North Americans get most of their antioxidants from beverages and, in particular, coffee. The average adult takes in about 1300 milligrams per day through coffee and the next source is tea at a mere 294 milligrams per day. Again, while coffee is one of our highest sources of antioxidants a great cancer-fighting and prevention agent coffee drinkers should always practice moderation. A cup or two a day may keep a number of common diseases away, but too much coffee can also cause problems. So balance is always a necessity.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Impact of Globalisation on India

Impact of Globalisation on India The world is more interdependent now than ever before. Since 1980s, the popular notion of globalization has been increased with the termination of cold war and the split up of the former Soviet Union. The term globalization refers to the process of interaction and integration across society and economies. The phenomenon covers the changes in economic, social and political domain as well as the mode of communication, transportation, technology and flow of ideas across borders. The intensity of these flows has changed the trends of globalization. The rapid transformations of information have given a new lease of life so not a single country can live in isolation; there is a need of interaction. As the multinational companies manufacture products in some countries but sell it across the world. Globalization is not only removing barriers among economies but also the culture and social life is being affected by it. The establishment of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), International Monetary Fund and the initiative of free trade has heightened up globalization. Globalization has brought new prospects to developing world. It has given great power to developed markets to enter in the developing countries by transferring their machinery with the assurance of better output and higher living standard. However, it does have brought up difficulties as well such as, increase in inequality between socio-economic classes, environmental degradation and instability in financial market. In the nineties, the restriction on the trade and investment was removed and this removal of barrier accelerated the rapidity of globalization in India. In the early 1990s, India unlocked its economy to the world because of the foreign exchange crisis that led to defaults on loans of the economy. There was a sudden policy change in India with the notion of new economic model known as Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization in India (LPG). In the early nineties, the key measures instigated as a part of the policy like, the abandoning of licensing of industries, the reduction in the areas of public sector, amendment in the monopolies and the controlled trade systems function, initiate privatisation programme, lessening tariff charges and the most important was to switch to the market determined exchange rates. This change in the policy had dramatic effects on the expansion of the Indian economy. This all changes were actually the announcement of the fusion of Indian economy into the global economy. Over the years with the policy change, more and more sectors begin foreign direct investment and portfolio investments and attracte d foreign investors in telecom, airports, insurance, roads, ports, airports, transportation and much more. Moreover, the supporters of globalization claim globalization as the engine of growth and technological advancements as Indias big and highly skilled technological and IT work-force catch the attention of many multinational companies to India because India has very low salaries for technical educated staff comparative to other countries. Therefore, it gives them freedom to manufacture goods and services at cheaper rate. Furthermore, with the help of easy ways of communication, globalization makes it possible to serve clients and businesses from India. Therefore, this will led businesses to build their offices in India as part of their global production and thereby create career opportunities for people in India that is preventing emigration. In addition to that, India has a very good reputation globally regarding technology that makes them attractive as a technology centre for businesses from other countries. This creates more jobs in India. On the contrary, globalization can change the above positive impacts into negative one as technical advantage which India has maybe copied by some other countries and can replace Indias position in the international market. As it can be very easy to copy and carried from many places. Additionally, this innovative technology may call for loads of money and investment, which India may not manage to pay for. Globalisation has strengthened interdependence and challenges between economies in the world market. As in 1990s when India opened its gate for international trade by lowering its tariff rate, many Indian corporations have started befitting as reputable participants in the international market. In the fiscal year of 2004-2005, Indias imports rested at US$ 107 billion with the increase of 35.62% as compared to the previous fiscal year which was about US$79 billion whereas, export also increased by 24% from US$ 63 billion to US$ 79 billion in the same year. Thus, policy reforms of 1991 were positive for Indian economy and helping the economy to spread at faster rate. As compare to chinas 33 firms, Indias 100 wealthy companies out of 500 are present. Environmental Globalism is the long distance carrying of supplies such as genetic materials or pathogens in the atmosphere or in oceans that harm human health and well-being. Moreover, the share of dirty industries in total FDI is 51 % from the year of 1991 to 2000 as the largest inflow is in these dirty industries in India. Organizations observing climate change and looking at the safety of animals and sea life are undeniably one of the positive effects of globalization on the environment. This will further help in the maintenance and protection of the environment in India to reduce or stop additional devastation of the environment. Advances in technology can help to benefit the environment, as new equipment would be created in order to maintain the balance of our eco-system and preserve our environment. In the Indian context where there is a rapid change in the transaction, the effects of globalization on environment and sustainability of the development needs to be seriously address. apart from of the prospective of globalization, the economic connections within country determined for raise in disparity results in amplified environmental bearings such as pollution, climate change, protection of ozone layer, bio diversity and desertification. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious issues faced by the Indian Urban areas. With the growing number of vehicles on roads and industrialization, contribute to environmental pollution in India. Variations in environment may be motivated by many other features of a country including economic growth, population growth, urbanization, strengthening of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation. Agriculture also plays an important role in the economy of India. As it is use as one of the main source of income. Crops can be failing due to environmental degradation, which damage the fertile land and pure water, which in turn lead to economic failure. Since, agriculture is one of the important aspect of economical growth so if left unprotected would not only stop environmental growth but also destruct the eco system. As the agriculture sector is main source of income for the rural areas of India but less salary to these farmers, many of them are shifting to cities. In the Budget Speech, Finance Minister Chidambaram asserts that Mumbai is a world class financial centre which is having 13 million populations in which 54% of them are in slums and it is estimated that 100 to 300 new families come to Mumbai everyday and most land up in a slum areas. Mumbai is known as the slum capital of India and Asia. In short, it is the largest slum capital of the world. (Tanveer Malik). Indians are becoming exposed to new technologies and new ways of living. Due to globalization, communication is much easier as the amount of cell phone users has increased in India. According to UTV Techtree, until the year of 2014, 97% of Indians will have their own cell phones. This shows that even the villagers would have this advancement as well. It would be much easy for them to interact with their relatives in the cities. Internet users are also growing with the same pace as social networking websites such as, Face book, yahoo messenger etc has made almost finish communication gap. At the same time, where culture provides a healthy and peaceful environment for people to live in, as they share their cultural thoughts, ideas, with the globalization, cultural values has declined from the past. A completely new culture of consumerism and materialism, this is focusing on accumulation of wealth. People are more spending their time on computers on social networking websites or messaging on cell phone or playing video games or watch TV instead of utilizing their time in productive outdoor activities and interacting with real people. The food culture has also change from the past. With the invasion of western restaurants like pizza hut, Mc Donald and more, people are more inclined towards such junk food instead of Indian food, which is full of nutrition. Indian Literature is almost diminish as more and more people are interested in learning in English language and even schools prefer English language over their culture language so regional language books are less succes sful than any other English book. The concept of classical music has almost disappeared from India. There are not any students interested in learning classical instruments like table and sitar. Other than that, with globalization, teenagers are adopting western culture of drinking and some magazine and TV channel display such information, which is inappropriate for young readers. With the initiation of policy, the government has created many incentives for local investors. In the beginning of first five years, there was no tax for the power projects, businesses involved in export, infrastructure development and new industries. This led to further development of infrastructure, new businesses, rising living standard and additional employment opportunities of 29.74 million jobs were filled in 1994 to 1997. In general, the impact of globalization on employment is conflicting. As India is having the second largest world population, so to know the exact rate of unemployment is difficult. The large numbers of labour are pushed towards unorganized or unnamed group of workers so the surplus of supply give rise to disequilibrium situation or disproportions in the labor market. The large production firm may abuse the natural resources and use them inefficiently. And the domestic producer are being overpowered by MNCs who are already having competitive advantages over domestic industrialist in India, have more funds to invest. This will lead to further closure of local businesses. At the time of global recession in the year of 2007, India obtained greatly from the LPG model as its GDP increased to 9.7% in 2007-2008. India is enjoying fourth position in market capitalization in the world. However, yet the condition of agriculture has not enhanced after the globalization and are given less importance than other sectors contributing to economy. The share of agriculture in the GDP is only 17%. But considering the optimistic outcomes of globalization, India is capable of trouncing these obstacles and can advance more strongly on its way of development. The implications of globalization for an Indian economy are many. Globalisation has intensified the economic war between economies rather than the nuclear war. It is consequently apparent that a globalising economy, despite the fact that framing and estimating its policy cannot overlook the feasible activities, responses of policies and progress on the globe. and thats results in restraining the alternatives of polic y that are accessible to the government and that demand for loss of policy independence to some level, in decision-making at the national level. To conclude, it can be claimed that the advantages of economic reforms on the Indian economy would be attained, only if the negative impacts that mentioned above such as, unemployment, over growing population, closing down of local businesses and more would be diminished. Along with that, globalization and reformation the economic policies, efforts should be taken to understand the potential labour force and provide required security for work, income and life so that they would also benefit in that process on the one hand, and on the other, contribute towards the success of globalization.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The disadvantages of homeschooling

The disadvantages of homeschooling Abstract This report attempts to provide a perspective on the disadvantages of homeschooling. Homeschooling has become a controversial issue in recent years. Homeschooling opponents opine that it is not an alternative pathway for education alongside the standard public educational system because there are still many flaws existing in this system. Homeschooling is not an effective approach to provide children with education due to scarcities of qualified educators, homeschooled children unable to well-develop their social life as well as parents have to invest massive time and dedication. Parents act as arbitrator in their childrens education. They hope that through homeschooling they can convey the message they want to for their children. In reality, homeschooling is not as easy as they think. It takes decades to judge the success of their choice. Therefore, homeschooling is a high risk venture. Many disadvantages are worth searching for. 1.0 Introduction Homeschooling experienced a renaissance during 1970s and 80s when a few parents questioned whether existing private schools or public educational system were a right choice for their children. They wondered if they might be capable to do better than the existing system. Parents realized that they could do better job. Consequently, they told their friends about the benefit of homeschooling and their friends spread the news gradually. As a result, this was the first step to the proliferation of homeschooling. However, the baby steps of homeschooling were rocky. In the early stages, homeschooling was prohibited by legislators. Many homeschooling parents were taken to court. They faced risks of being arrested and their children might be removed from their home. Nonetheless, there were parents who insisted to homeschool their children. They struggled with the court battles. In the past, very few curriculum suppliers sold the materials and resources required to homeschoolers. The only way to continue their fight was to craft their own curricula and do more research. They continued teaching quietly and let their childrens achievements prove the critics incorrect (, 2010). According to Ray (2002), there are approximately 1.6-2.0 million children being taught under homeschooling by their parents. Homeschooled families grow at estimated rate of 7-15 percent per year. According to the statistics of HSLDA (2010), the main reason parents choose homeschooling is religious conviction, which is about 49%; 15% agree that homeschooling can provide a positive social environment; 14% are for academic excellence; 12% choose homeschooling because of their childrens specific needs; and 5% are for flexibility and curriculum choice. Even though proponents of homeschooling claim that there are many benefits, the question still exists; do you agree that homeschooling is disadvantageous? Homeschooling is not an effective approach to provide children with education because homeschooling lacks qualified educators; parents are required to invest massive amounts of time as well as dedication and homeschooled children will face social difficulties in their future. This report is mainly focused on the disadvantages of homeschooling. The reasons why homeschooling is not a right choice are listed in this report. The statistics and data are mainly come from United State. The comments of organization and personal views are put into the report to show the reality of homeschooling.Body Content 2.0 Homeschooling lacks qualified educators According to Koonar (2006), many statistics have shown that many homeschooling endeavors failed to achieve the target and objective due to the scarcity of qualified educators. Parents choose homeschooling instead of public education because they believe that teachers have to teach 15 to 35 students in a class, hence, they cannot pay one-on-one attention to each child. In fact, certified educators have attended relative teaching classes and they have passed the state examination in order to obtain their teaching certificates. They are more experienced and have a deeper understanding of the children. They possess systematic teaching skills to convey the concept and knowledge to the children. Certified educators can fulfill the various learning requirement of each children and they can comprehend how to handle children with diverse behaviors. In contrast, parents who lack instructional skills are unable to express well what they want to give to their children. If an educator cannot expr ess her ideas to words, how can the learner absorb the essence of teaching? Children will lose interest in learning. Parents who simply put their children in a room with lots of books will definitely result in the failure of homeschooling. As a result, parents will gradually lose confidence towards homeschooling. They feel guilty if their children cannot achieve the academic target they set up. It is crucial to help children build up interest and curiosity in learning. Standard curriculum can help children to develop this interest. 2.1 People do not have faith in homeschooling According to Allison (n.d.), a number of people do not believe in home schoolings academic quality because it does not follow the standard curriculum. The standard curriculum focuses on an omnibus of personal development. They are being taught discipline, communication and time management since young. Whole aspects including positive characteristic build-ups are covered. Children can follow the pace of their peers and they do not isolate from them. In contrary, homeschooling children set their own pace and they are more likely to concentrate only on specific areas that they are interested in. Unlike the standard curriculum, homeschooling is unable to provide comprehensive development. Also, positive values are not instilled in the core of their hearts since they are young. Hence, home schoolings academic is not comparable to standard curriculum. Some home schooled children are required to take additional tests to ensure that they are academically ready to enroll in college or univers ity. People are still in doubt regarding home schoolings academic quality because the curriculum is not certified by authorities. Homeschooling advocates claim that they can prepare the course that is suitable for their children. Parents are given the absolute authority to guide their childrens education, ranging from schedules, curriculum and also the development that they want to pass on to their children. However, parents are not capable of delivering the knowledge effectively. According to HomeSchoolingExplained (n.d.), parents need to do more research to teach more effectively. More research is able to expose parents to the proper methods of teaching their children better. According to Williams (2007), at the beginning of homeschooling education, parents do not encounter difficulties in teaching. Conversely, as children get older, preparations get harder. The task is easier when children are young. They need to do more researches in order to teach lessons. Such a situation causes the parents physical and emotional burdens. Parents will feel more stress in preparing lessons. 3.0 Social problems among homeschooled children Homeschooled children do not posses well-developed social skills as they are not exposed to different types of people. According to HomeSchoolingExplained (n.d.), they would not have the same social life with children who went to school. Children who are under the standard curriculum are provided with the benefit of socialization. They are exposed to a wide range of perspectives and ideas because their classmates come from different background and personal beliefs. This can provide inspiration to them so that they are stimulated to think and criticize positively. Homeschooling noticeably decreases the chance for children to communicate with other children in a learning atmosphere. Even though home schooled children have siblings to interact with, this situation is still not enough to fully develop their social skills. According to Hegarty (n.d.), home schooled children are not comfortable when people are around them, excluding their family members. They will not hang out with others because they lack interaction skills. Besides that, according to Williams (2007), although home schooled children have friends, they are not as bonded because they seldom meet and mix together. They are lonely as they are confined in their homes and they cannot share their happiness and sadness with their friends. Homeschooled children face many social problems; they cannot interact with different groups of people properly and this will detrimentally affect their future life. 3.1 Freedom of children are abstained According to Allison (n.d.), homeschooled children would not enjoy their childhood because their freedom is constrained by their parents. There are many other things they have to learn through experience and it cannot be taught through educational settings. For example, by exploring nature, children are able to understand more about the relationship between living and non-living organisms. Even if homeschooled children have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, their time is limited and it is dependent upon their parents. In contrast, children who attend school are more likely to come into contact with many new things; this is important to sate their curiosity and stimulate their mind. All knowledge and discovery must only be done through personal experience. Some homeschooled parents argue that their children will not face the sociability dilemma. However, for those who are home educated for long periods of time and eventually made a decision to attend school are found to be lacking in social skills. According to Allison (n.d.), as they are exposed to social environments such as working or entering a college/ university, they experience physiological problems that mainly result from communication. They are cooped up at home and seldom interact with others; once they are around people, they will feel scared and uncomfortable as they do not know how to handle the situation. They are forced to adapt to a new social environment that they never experience before. It is difficult for them to manage the circumstance that they have never encountered before. So physiological problems will arise and lead to a lot of troubles. 4.0 Time commitment and dedication According to Koonar (2006), homeschooling is a procedure that entails a massive amount of dedication and time. Homeschooled children require parental supervision in order to motivate them towards academic excellence. Hence, parents need to spend a large part of the day with their children. The key success in the home schooling process is constant parental control. Kids are kids; they cannot do by themselves in their studies without parental supervision. Parents have to keep astride with their children. Moreover, according to (n.d.), parents require time to organize outdoor activities and field trips, prepare and instruct lessons, and seize the chance for their children to nurture their social skills. Homeschooled communities often schedule weekly or monthly gatherings with each other for that purpose. Parents have to manage their time well and be diligent and active in such communicative activities. Hence, parents will not have much time left for doing other thi ngs. Furthermore, parents have to discover and develop their own hobbies and interest. These activities are not easy tasks. Unlike trained educators, they have experience assisting children in finding out their interests. Since most of the time is used for homeschooling, parents do not have the luxury to relax and enjoy. They suffocate because of homeschooling. 4.1 Additional financial burden Either one of the parents is forced to give up his/her full-time job for homeschooling. There are additional costs for purchasing the curriculum needed. This includes the cost of materials for projects, field trips, computer softwares and other resources. Each child needs approximately $400 each month to sustain his/her study. For those families that rely on two earnings, this can be a serious disadvantage. This may put stress on parents who are both breadwinners of the family. Homeschooled communities cooperate together to organize activities such as Scouts, learn side-by-side, sport teams, 4-H clubs and dance classes so that children can socialize with other children. However, these are costly, so they are additional financial burdens for the family. Homeschooling supporters opine that the home educated children have close-knit family relationship as children spend most of the time with their family. However, the fact is there are conflict between parents and children due to their different personalities and opinion. According to (n.d.), homeschooled children may have the desire to attend school. They wonder what they are missing out compared with their peers. Their desires will become more intense when parents are not active in involving their children in outdoor activities. At this time, parents who are committed in homeschooling programs will feel challenged. Children will fall out with their parents as they have different point of view. Furthermore, children clash with their parents because they have different personalities. According to Williams (2007), parents and children have different personalities, leading to squabbles. Children require doing their matters in their own way. They do not want to foll ow the words of the parents and parents will feel disappointed. 5.0 Recommendation When people approach this issue, they must examine and investigate both sides. Homeschooling has both its pros and cons. Therefore, it should be addressed in the best possible manner. These scope of these recommendations are confined to Malaysia to handle the issue of homeschooling within the currently population residing here Firstly, to tackle the problem of parents thinking they are able to educate their children better, higher authorities should ban homeschooling by further enforcing the law. Children by the age of 7 onwards must be made compulsory to attend schools no matter it be private or national. Parents who do not adhere to this will be convicted and be brought to court to have this matter settled. Mandatory fines should also be issued should this law be opposed. In addition to the law, schools should increase the number of qualified teachers. Training programs and workshops can be inducted and reinforced to conform to the needs and requirements of current students, and thus should be made compulsory to be attended by teachers. Aside from that, the curriculum of schools should be improved upon to keep up with the pace of education in the world. Syllabus of subjects being taught must be constantly updated in regards to the amount of new knowledge being churned out every single day. Homeschooling can be banned if the ways suggested as above are strictly operated. 6.0 Conclusion Homeschooling is not an ideal choice to educate children. Even though it provides alternative option to the standard educational method, this system is not complete and poses a lot of imperfections. Parents are not well-trained educator so they are unable express well what they want to give to their children. Due to this fact, people do not have faith in homeschooling because it cannot provide comprehensive development to their children. Homeschooled children do not interact with a wide range of people. If a child is deficient in social experiences, they will definitely encounter dilemmas once they continue studying in higher education institution or strive for their career. Their social circle is small and they will face psychology problems as they interact with people. Their freedoms are abstained as well. Furthermore, parents have to invest great amount of time to supervise their childrens education. Parents who are both breadwinner are forced to give up his/her career in order to tutor their children. As a result, the family will face financial difficulty. Parents have difficulty predicting what the result of homeschooling will be. It takes decades to judge the success of their choice. If their choice is a mistake, they cannot return back and start all over again. The consequences are dire; it will affect the childrens growth and future. Parents must take responsibilities and are blamed by their children. Their childrens future is in the hands of their parents. As arbitrators, parents should choose the safest option that is the traditional educational system instead of homeschooling. In a nutshell, homeschooling is not suitable for children. Bibliography: All About (n.d.), Disadvantages of Homeschooling, allaboutparenting, viewed on 10 February 2010, > Allison, L. (n.d), Homeschooling Advantages and Disadvantages, Ezine Articles, viewed on 7 February 2010, Hegarty, P. (n.d.), Schooling Pros and Cons -Learn about Pros and Cons, Ezine Articles, viewed on 7 February 2010, Homeschooling Explained (n.d.), Disadvantages of homeschooling you must consider, Homeschooling Explained, viewed on 7 February 2010, Koonar, K. (n.d.), Disadvantages of Home Schooling, Articlebase, viewed on 2 February 2010, Williams, H. (2007), Home Schooling, Green haven Press, Farmington Hill. You can, (2010), Introduction, Youcanhomeschool, viewed on 10 February 2010,

Monday, August 19, 2019

rosa parks :: essays research papers

Rosa McCauly Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama, in 1913 and grew up on a small farm. When her mother had saved enough money to pay for it, Rosa had began to attend a private school when she was 11 years old. But, while she was attending high school, her mother had become ill so she had to quit. After quitting high school, she got a job as a house servant and began sending money back to her family. When she married Raymond Parks, she returned to high school and graduated. In 1943 she joined the NAACP and worked to ensure voting rights for blacks. One evening shortly after 5:00 PM on Thursday, December 1, 1955 while coming home from work, she boarded a bus and sat down. According to Montgomery law, blacks had to sit in the back of the bus, and give up their seats to whites when they came on the bus. When she was asked to give up her seat, she refused. Immediately, the driver stopped the bus and called two policemen. Mrs. Parks was arrested and taken to jail. Edgar Daniel Nixon, head of the NAACP in Montgomery, posted a $100 bond to get her released. Although Mrs. Parks was not the first black person to get arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus, Mr. Nixon decided that she wouldn't be the last. He called a meeting of black leaders to see what action they should take. By the end of the meeting, the leaders agreed to call a one-day boycott of all the city buses for Monday Dec.5. On Monday, the buses began their run through the black neighborhood and came back empty. The boycott was a sucess. They set up the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) and named Martin Luther King Jr., it's leader. Rosa Parks went to court and was charged with violating a 1947 segregation law. She was found guilty and fined $10 plus $4 in court costs.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Legacy of the Mafia Minstel Show :: Essays Papers

The Legacy of the Mafia Minstel Show After my Grandfather died in the late 1960's, my Grandmother came to live with us for a short time. It was a wonderful way to learn about my heritage and I got to listen to her stories about when my Father was growing up in San Francisco. I remember a story she told me about when my Dad was around eight years old, about the same time Little Caesar was in the movie theaters. One day he came home from school and told my Grandmother that some kid at school told him that all Italians were cutthroats. My Grandmother got very upset and told him to ignore comments like that, that all it did was reveal the ignorance of the person making that remark, and to always take pride in who you are and your Italian heritage. My Dad looked at my Grandmother and very innocently asked her, "Ma, what's a cutthroat?" Zoom forward around 70 years. My daughter comes homes from school, about the same time The Sopranos was released on HBO, complaining that some kids at school were teasing her and calling her "Mafia Girl." I wish I could say that things have gotten better for Italian Americans and how they are portrayed in popular television and film in the last 70 years, but unfortunately I think it has actually gotten worse. What I call the Mafia Minstrel Show, actors in olive skin face playing mobster for the benefit of those people who lust for violence and racism, is now as insidious as lice. Thanks to our friends at HBO, the Mafia Minstrel Show has been legitimized as a mainstream genre, not unlike westerns or love stories. So why has the Mafia Minstrel Show survived for the past 70 years? It is very simple, IT MAKES MONEY!!!!! I remember reading the obituary for Mario Puzo. It listed the sales of his books, his wonderful novel about Italian American immigrants, The Fortunate Pilgrim, ha d sold maybe 10,000 copies and The Godfather, a novel that featured the Mafia Minstrel Show, had sold 15 million copies. Mario Puzo, a man who admitted he had never known a gangster before he wrote The Godfather, obviously was given a lot of cash to write a novel about the Mafia Minstrel Show.

Who is Monica Lewinsky? :: essays research papers

Is Monica simply a hapless White House intern caught in the middle of a media created scandal started by Linda Tripp. Monica Lewinsky is a 24 year old graduate of Lewis and Clark University in Oregon. Daughter of a Democratic contributor she was easily able to get an intern position in the White Horse. Some of Lewinsky's friends have said that she only took the intern position to sleep with important people. If the recent news reports are true Monica Lewinsky got what she was looking for. Linda Tripp has over 17 tapes of her discussions with Monica Lewinsky describing her sexual relations with President Bill Clinton. Linda Tripp was a high ranking administration assistant formerly of the White House, and now of the Pentagon. In an unusual twist Tripp also happens to be the last person to see Vince Foster alive! Kathleen Willey, another person alleged to have had sexual relations with Bill Clinton, is the one that gave Kenneth Starr Linda Tripps name as a possible witness in the Paula Jones sexual harassment civil suit. None of this would have been much of a problem had Monica Lewinsky had not told Tripp that Bill Clinton and Vernon Jordan instructed her to lie about the affair with Clinton. Supposedly Linda Tripp has Monica alleging this on tape. These tapes if finally released to the public should prove to be quite titillating, Monica Lewinsky claims that Clinton was very fond of oral sex and that she it to him on a number of occasions. It has been alleged by various news organizations that a secret service agent actually caught Lewinsky and Clinton in the act. It has also been alleged that Monica Lewinsky has a blue semen stained dress which, if true, would be direct DNA evidence of the affair. But it still would not prove obstruction of justice. If that was ever proven it could be an impeachable offence, a sexual scandal probably would not lead to the impeachment of Bill Clinton. If not then it will simply be a source of Bill Clinton jokes. In a new twist on all of this Attorney Terry Giles client Andy Bleiler claims to have evidence relavent to the case. He also claims that Monica Lewinsky and he were lovers when he taught her at the Lewis and Clark University in Oregon. It is possible that Monica Lewinsky gave him documents and presents that Clinton had given her.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Now Lorraine can blame all the other things on me, but she was the one who picked out the Pigman's phone number. If you ask me, I think he would have died anyway. Maybe we speeded things up a little, but you really can't say we murdered him. Not murdered him. (ch 1, pg 13) In fact, if Lorraine felt like saying one of us murdered Mr. Pignati, she should have blamed Norton. He's the one who finally caused all the trouble. (ch 1, pg 14) Everything that happened from then on [after they visit Mr. Pignati in the hospital] Lorraine blames me for, and maybe she's right. ch 14, pg 121) Finally I managed to lift my head and saw Mr. Pignati at the door. He was just standing there looking down at me, and there was no smile on his face. No smile at all. That's when I passed out. (ch 13 pg 114) â€Å"In fact, the thing Lorraine and I liked best about the Pigman was that he didn’t go around saying we were cards or jazzy or cool or hip. He said we were delightful . . . † (ch 2, pg 24) â€Å"Baboons. Baboons. They build their own cages, we could almost hear Mr. Pignati whisper, as he took his children with him. (ch 15, pg 149) â€Å"But I gave up all that kid stuff now that I’m a sophomore. The only thing I do now that is faintly criminal is write on desks. † (ch 1, pg. 3) â€Å"Would you like a glass of wine? † Mr. Pignati offered, straightening up a few things in the living room. It was great how happy he was to see us. I can't remember Bore, or my mother either for that matter, ever looking happy to see me, let alone when I came into the house with a friend. (ch 7, pg 56) John is trying to understand his and Lorraine's role in Mr. Pignati's death.He seems undecided about their degree of responsibility If Norton's actions were the final, most immediate cause of Mr. Pignati's final illness and death, does this mean that only Norton is responsible? John still stops short of accepting full responsibility for the disaster of the party and its effect on Mr. Pignati This is a moment of horror for John, when Mr. Pignati returns from the hospital unexpectedly and sees the damage to his house and, most of all, his pig collection. This is one of the very few times that Mr. Pignati doesn't greet John with a big smile.That john doesn’t like old people to go around saying cool sayings. That the baboon was somehow connected to the Pigman. That he somewhat thinks of himself as a grown up There is an enormous contrast between the lack welcome Lorraine and John feel in their own homes and the incredibly welcome Mr. Pignati gives them. We still pretended we were John and Lorraine Pignati because only members of the immediate family were allowed to visit. (ch 11,pg 105) I think cemeteries are one of the loveliest places to be—if you're not dead, of course.The hills and green grass and flowers are much nicer than what you get what you're alive. Sometimes we go there at midnight and hide behind stones to scare the @#$% out of each other. (ch 7, 55) By the time we left, I was so glad to see the outside world I thought I had been in prison for seventy-three years. The smell of hospitals always makes me think of death. In fact I think hospitals are exactly what graveyards are supposed to be like. They ought to bury people in hospitals and let sick people get well in the cemeteries (ch 11, pg 104)The position of Mr. Pignati's head on the floor made his face look a little like my father's and I didn't like the feeling it gave me. Up until then I had never been particularly disturbed about seeing a corpse—even when I'd have to sit for an hour or so at a funeral parlor when some relative had died. (ch 15,pg 148) â€Å"No, no, no,† she said in her best grating voice, all the while shining the coffee table in our sparkling living room, which sparkles because nobody's allowed to live in it. She's got plastic covers on everything.I mean, I like my Mom and all that, but she runs around like a chicke n with its head cut off. (ch 5, pg 28) The house [Mr. Pignati's] had a nice warm smell to it. We had to walk through a hall that had a lot of old junk stored in it, and then we went into this living room that had all that old kind of stuffed furniture with lace things that cover the arms so you don't wear them out. (ch 5, pg 31) I didn't want anyone really to take advantage of the old man. Some people might think that's what I was doing, but not the way Norton would have. ch 5, pg 35) That John and Lorraine are so use to the Pigman that they act like his own children John and Lorraine have figuratively assumed the identities of Mr. Pignati's â€Å"children,† and now they assume these identities literally Ironically, John feels more at home in cemeteries than in his own home. John demonstrates the originality of his thought. His reflection that hospitals are deathly and cemeteries are peaceful and full of greenery actually makes sense That the Pigman looked like his Dad and he even worried about his dad dieingJohn describes a living room, which, ironically, no one is allowed to live in Mr. Pignati's house is a complete opposite to John's. It has a nice warm smell, not a disinfectant smell; it is cluttered with old junk, not obsessively neat; and it has a comfortable living room with comfortable furniture, not covered with plastic. This sure seems like another instance where John is trying, successfully, to convince himself that taking money from an old man under a false pretext is not taking advantage of him.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Public Policy – Agricultural credit

Agricultural policy is a set of rules that are related to domestic agriculture and imports of food products. The governments of every state implements these set of rules with the aim of brining about a sound stability in the domestic agriculture   markets and to protect the interest of the farmers from supply levels, price rise, land use and agricultural subsidies.The agricultural subsidies, loans and other forms of credits that are offered to the farming community is money paid to them at subsided rates in order to help them overcome the issues of rising maintenance   and production costs, supplement their incomes, and protection from inflations.For example, the United States Agricultural department, reviews its policies every two years and agrees to subsidize a dozed commodities every two years. Between the period of 1996 and 2002, an average of $16 billion/year credit was paid to the farmers at subsidized rates.According to the people who favor agriculture credit to farmers, t he credit policies and agricultural subsidies offer farmers extra income and market protection.It also helps the farmers to compete in the international market For example, in the year 2002, the United States paid an extra 52 cents for every bushel of wheat, and at the same time also promised a price of 3.86 from 2002–03 and 3.92 from 2004–2007.Experts who oppose these agricultural policies laid down by the government, argue that the farmers do not need such grants as they have already got a fair deal. They continue that there are equivalent risks in other business as in agriculture, so why is the farming community given more benefitsBACKGROUND –The main aim of this paper is to study the public policies towards the Agriculture credit and the future prospect of funds and other lending programs that can be available for the agricultural banks. It is believed that these federal policies related to agriculture credit can lend an important role in determining the sta nd of the different lenders in financing the agriculture sector.Credit has become a significant instrument of the agricultural policies and most of these policies with time have given guaranteed competitive loan rates on these funds, thereby giving a helping hand in the process of transformation of the agricultural sector into a highly modernized and capital efficient one.Most of the farmers are dependent upon the funds for their yearly production and also to own land and the figures show a substantial rise in the level of debts as the inflation rises.The paper gives an introduction to some of the policies and then reviews the prospects and the general credit conditions along with the role of Federal, involvement.Also discussed here is the ability of these funding institutions to fund the growing needs of the agriculture sector and how can these credit policies make a positive effect on the sector. These policies contribute heavily in the price determination of land prices and absor ption of farm ownership and production.The paper also discusses the altered arrangement and economic character of the agriculture sector which is proposed in order to reconsider the role of public agencies which offer credit to the farmers.INTRODUCTIONMost the recent agriculture credit programs actually originated after the First World War, when the incomes of the farming community were not stable and unsure.At that time lending money was not considered to be safe enough by both the farmers and the lenders as farming became a suspicious sector. With these developments, the farmers faced lot of problems in receiving funds and gave higher interest rates than other borrowers anywhere.Soon, the need of a Farm credit system was established which included the involvement of Federal Land Banks, Federal Intermediate credit Banks, Banks for cooperatives and other agencies related to the Farmers Home Administration which helped to greatly increase the flow of funds into the farmer community.A t almost the same time, many other programs and initiatives for the farmers to increase their income and reduce the risk in the farming sector by bringing about price stabilization and making farm lending more easy than before were brought about by the government.The easier terms and conditions on which the farmers were able to borrow money and could get finance for industrialization of their farms favored the reform to a highly productive and capital intensive farming sector.Today credits have become the backbone of the rise of the farming sector and major reasons that are behind the increase in the behavior of the farmers to borrow money are the uncomplicated funding issues, high production expenses, increase in land prices, machinery and the willingness to increase the size of their production capability.The high production expenses have decreased the funding capability of the farmers to utilize their own money.Within a span of 30 years, the debt of the farming sector had increas ed by an overwhelming figure of $13 billion in 1950 to an anticipated $158 billion on January 1980’s, along with the increase in the value of the farm assets of the farmers which had considerably doubled during that period.The farmers slowly become more sensitive to the changes and fluctuations that occurred in the cash flow, interest rates, and costs of debt service to them. This led to an increase in the borrowed funds by the farming community and decrease in the net farm incomes, thereby increasing the net debt burdens on the farmers.In a number of regions across the United Stated, which are located along the north and the western edges of the corn belt,   most of the commercial banking institutions, most interestingly the country banks have come through two years of a reasonably high loan-to -deposit ratios, which brought about a number of liquidity problems for the farmers at some point of time.In most of these districts the commercial banks and other funding instituti ons were not able to meet the growing needs of the farmers and thereby the interest rates grew by a phenomenal rate.It was estimated that the farm production expenses will rise by more than double the price and subsequently the funds that will be needed to satisfy this demand will grow by more than $250 billion in the coming 10 years as compared to a total expense of $140 billion during the 1980’s.According to these figures, it was estimated that the farming community will have to borrow most of the money and it was estimated that the farming debt would be around $700 billion by the end of the year 2000.At the same time, the asset value of the farmers will also increase to $3.5 trillion and the ratio between the debts to asset values will not rise higher than 17%.The increasing and prices, competition of the loan funds, farm prices, can all make it difficult for the farmers and especially those who have no other source of income to subsidize their farming needs. Looking at th is analysis of the trends, some reforms and agricultural policies were introduced.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Leaving Home

My brother, Ricky, sister, Amrit and I had only found out a week before, that we were just about to be whisked away to a foreign country we hadn't set in for seven years, and seven years before that. We would be staying there for a whole month, so as you can imagine, we were taken aback, yet somewhat sceptic, as we'd always heard our parents mentioning a trip to India for a few months, but never actually believed they would go to the bother of booking the tickets. After all, my mother had only taken my now 5-year-old sister to see her family there four years ago. My immediate concern was language. I can read and write my mother tongue, and understand what people are telling me, but wasn't very good at speaking back. I think this pleased my parents, they thought it would be good for us, as they knew we would have to start learning to talk in our mother tongue Punjabi. It wasn't really difficult to prepare for the trip, well not for me anyway. All I had to do was make sure I had a holiday form, homework and suitcase packed. However, my poor parents had to sort out the passports, visas, currency, jabs (ouch) and house security while we were away. I didn't really tell my friends until the last minute, as I was expecting a cancellation, change in plan or even told I'd been set up and it was all a joke. I was actually a little annoyed with my parents for not booking during school holidays, not because I'd miss school, only the workload I'd have to catch up on. But once they explained that they couldn't get a holiday the same time as us, I felt quite sorry for them. When I think back to it, I was actually disappointed that we were going to India, instead of Canada in the summer, which is where I was hoping go, which was no longer possible. India as I last remembered it, was freezing in the morning, and boiling in the afternoon (we went in December), pretty smelly, the people were scared to talk to me and my brother (my sister wasn't born then), and we didn't really want to say anything to them. The thing that disgusted me most about this country was definitely the latrines. I tried not to go to the toilet unless I had a full bladder and was desperate; it was also hard to get toilet paper over there. This time, we prepared ourselves with plenty of rolls before we left. I wasn't very impressed then, but it was also the reason we had gone in the first place, that we didn't feel like enjoying ourselves. It was pretty depressing, as my mother's brother had died in a tractor accident on Diwali, so my mother left England a few weeks before us to go to his funeral. I must admit that I was a little exited, as many of my relatives from Britain had gone a few weeks before us, so we would be meeting them there as well. The flight had been delayed three hours, so I didn't really have a positive attitude when we arrived at the airport. The one thing that thrilled me when we were boarding the plane was that the passengers went on the stairs instead of the corridor, like in the movies, so that we could actually see the plane as we were boarding it. I' m not scared of flying, but I did grow a little nervous as I approached the plane, the paintwork was hand done, the panels looked loose, and generally dirty. I didn't look like it would make it all the way to India. The airhostesses also looked scary. The were from Kyrgystan, the airline company we were travelling with, and spoke in Russian to each other and in a Russian accent to the passengers. I had to strain to understand them properly. They wore thick bright coloured make up, and were always smiling. This had the opposite effect on me than intended, they reminded me of clowns! Inside, the plane was pretty cramped, and during the take off, my ears hurt and I felt sick. Since we were stopping in Turkey for a break, and changing planes in Russia, I had to go through this six times before we even landed in India. On the plane journey, my family were relaxing, listening to music, and reading magazines, but I was working away, struggling to get my homework finished before we reached India, so I could feel free without the stress of having to catch up there. Although we would be so busy I wouldn't even have time. The whole journey lasted two days, the second plane was even worse. Russia is so cold, that there was ice forming inside the plane! It was brilliant when we actually landed in Delhi. The sun was out and the people at the airport were so welcoming. After we came out through customs, we were re-united with my sister's water gun, and mother's almond hair oil, which had been confiscated in Birmingham. I had to laugh. Then we came across a big problem. One of our suitcases was missing. It contained all of my Ricky's clothing. We could claim the contents on insurance, but had to take him shopping for new clothes as soon as possible. I was thirsty, and wanted a drink, but there was one thing that stood in my way, no rupees. While my parents sorted out the lost property forms, l sneaked over to one of the currency exchange bureaus and decided to test the Indian in the office. I got out one pound and put it on the desk. He said, â€Å"is that all? † grinning. I replied,† it's all I've got. † Then he said, â€Å"well only for you then! † I got my sixty-five rupees, and went straight to get a coffee. My mother and I went to the arrivals lounge, where we met my uncle. They were hugging each other, and they all started chatting in Punjabi. The poor man had been waiting for ages, as he hadn't known about the delay, so I went to get the rest of my family. I whispered to my mum â€Å"Mum, he looks nothing like you. † Then she told that he was her cousin, not her brother. We somehow managed to pack everything into the Sumo, which is like a type of jeep or taxi. I was squashed in the back, it was very uncomfortable, but I concentrated on everything around me. There were loads of children coming back from school in their mopeds. Apparently, the timing for our trip had been brilliant for the weather, but our cousins would be taking their exams at this time. In India, the children have to take an exam at the end of every school year; the result of this exam determines whether they will be allowed into the next class. If they fail, they will have to repeat the year. I felt a bit like an intruder when I heard this, because they would have vital work to do, and I would be expecting them to show me around or getting bored. We arrived at the village we would be staying at, Gureh in Ludhiana, Punjab for the next week at around about midnight. I was surprised; could say shocked at the state of the house. The standard was better than the housing in England. The layout is not quite the same, but there was a toilet, a decant shower area, separate bedrooms, and they even had a car. I met my aunt, and my cousin Manjit, who's eighteen years old. He seemed quite shy, and always walked with his head down. His sister who is my age was already gone to sleep. We dumped our bags in our room, and after about an hour, went to sleep. The next day, we got up late and relaxed the whole day. When I met Pardeep, I remembered her from seven years ago straight away. She was pretty cheeky, and sometimes a bit spoilt, but she showed me around the village. I felt ever so conscious of my clothes. I was wearing trousers and a top, but everybody else, in their salwar kameez (type of Indian suit) just smiled. For the next the day of two, we visited relatives from villages that lived near Ludhiana. My uncle drove us. I felt a bit rude, as I didn't remember many of them. One day that week, we took the car ourselves, and I was told I was going to go to Mussayala. This village I could not forget. Last time Ricky and I had great fun chasing after the chickens, feeding the cows the chapattis we refused to eat, running around with our uncles and aunts. They're actually our age, but it's one of the funny age differences that happen a lot in our family tree. At this village lived my great granddad, which gave me something to talk about at home. The only way I can think of to describe Mussayala is that it is one of those ancient forgotten old places in the middle of nowhere. The village had a single toilet, which was sometimes pretty embarrassing. As I thought about how many times we had watched the home video we made from last time, I grew more exited. But when we arrived, in the evening, my â€Å"cousins† acted as if they couldn't figure out who we were. Okay, so maybe my Punjabi wasn't great, but they were so shy. I hoped that this would not carry on. Because my parents had arranged to see an architect about the building on the plot of land for my grandmother. The only architects we knew of were in Chandigardh, the capital of Punjab. I didn't really have any expectations of the city at first, but was very impressed. We got there on the bus, which isn't the best way of travelling in India. We were out in the town, and got to travel in the rickshaws. The roads were a lot cleaner than those in the villages. It was practically like England. We went an actual fast food restaurant, but it didn't sell meat so we just ordered chips and pizza. I wasn't anticipating there would be so many young college students, who wore the same sort of trousers and top I did. I immediately regretted my decision to wear a traditional suit that day. This was the one time I would have felt comfortable in my normal English clothes, and I'd just wasted that chance. The architects had a proper office, and were very professional, not just some back room of a shop, and didn't take long to find. It wasn't a very long meeting, as my parents didn't have enough information about the plot to make a plan. The data had to be really detailed, such as which direction the sun rises. I didn't realise that little things like this affected the construction of a house. We wandered around the centre of the town for a while, and the things I saw made me sure I would have felt comfortable staying here for a few days. But the problem of having too many things to do and too little time to do it in always got in the way. The city is really quite modern and developed; in fact, the whole of the country has really progressed in the last seven years. The shantytowns still lie on the outskirts of the towns, but technology is more advanced and the nation has noticeably prospered. Some people in the farm villages were even walking around with mobile phones. I think that which area of India you see that affects the overall impression. If you compared somewhere like Mussayala to Gureh, you can really see the change. The original plan had been to spend one week in Punjab, two weeks in U. P. where my mums family lived, and go to somewhere like Goa or Bangalore for the remaining week, before heading back towards Delhi. Since we had spent so long in Punjab because of this plot business, this was no longer possible. My dad said that it was silly that we thought we could get everything done in only a month. I was delighted that my cousin Pardeep had holidays and could come to U. P. with us. We really couldn't afford to be lazy the day we were leaving, we got ready early that day, but were still delayed, as the Sumo we had hired had to go back and get a roof rack for all of our luggage. My mum gave the servants some money, and we left with everybody waving goodbye. I was very grateful for their hospitality. This trip took the whole day. Me, Pardeep, Ricky and Amrit sat at the back, parents in the middle and drivers at the front. I just read a magazine, my brother and sister played, and my cousin listened to the Walkman. We stopped off at a few of what would be the equivalent to cafes a few times, bought a supply of crisps and some drink, and went to the latrines while we had the chance. On the route to U. P. , we had to go through a beautiful rural state called Haryana. This is the sort of place where you meet village maids milking cows, there was green grass everywhere and the landscape was beautiful. I had never seen anywhere like it, not even in the Hindi films. On the map, the state was just a small chunk of land. As we came nearer to the heart of U. P. (my mum's family lived south of UP) we saw many women wearing cloths over their heads, there were many more Muslims living here. I also noticed that the signs were written in Hindi. It was annoying, because I couldn't understand what they said, and felt quite ignorant. In Punjab, the main language was Punjabi. Even when the people here spoke Punjabi, they did with a Hindi accent which was difficult to understand fully. I didn't realise that such a change could happen only across states. As it grew dark, we were just approaching the town nearest to my mum's village, Kashipur. We stopped here to buy some bottles of coke. It was here that I began to get exited, we were so near. Pardeep kept telling us how far we were. My mum had already warned me, that most of my cousins my age, would be at their boarding schools, but the younger ones would be here. I was a bit worried, but also enthusiastic. We were all half asleep when we arrived. As we approached the house, I saw a huge a mass of people waiting to welcome us. I never realised I had such a big family. We got out, and everyone was hugging everybody else. It felt good, even if you didn't know who was who. My mum began telling how I was related to everyone else which sometimes got a bit confusing. My older cousins were joking, telling me how they were planning to marry me off some overweight drunk from India. They were also joking about my brother, because he doesn't speak much Punjabi. â€Å"He wouldn't know if we were swearing at him though, would he? He'd just ignore it. † This made me laugh. During the next week, some of cousins came from boarding school for a bit, but there was only one day where everyone was there together, and that was on Ricky's birthday that was celebrated with a couple of party poppers. In the middle of the last week, me and my family, Pardeep, my mum's brother and his son, Jatinder, my mum's sister's daughter, Kuldeep, and my mum's late brother's daughter, Amandeep, who is a bit bratty went on a day trip to Nainital, a village on the foothills of the Himalayas. This is the place my parents visited when they first bought Ricky and me to India. My brother and I of course couldn't remember the place at all, and didn't understand why they were so keen to go back there again. But when we actually got there, we soon found out. We were all crammed into the back of a jeep, and arrived in two and a half hours. During which Jatinder, who was sitting opposite me, flicked nuts at me, tapped me continually and succeeded in annoying me, although he is a year older. Nainital was BRILLIANT. It reminded me of Nepal. The people looked Nepalese and spoke in a Nepalese accent. We even dressed in Nepalese costume and took photos. We went on a few rides, and rode on some horses up the mountains. The view on the ski lift was spectacular, and the scenery of the Himalayas was amazing. Me, Ricky, Jatinder and Pardeep went to on a paddleboat on a large lake for an hour or so. This was tiring, yet relaxing at the same time. It was shortly after this, that we left to go back to UP. I was disappointed when we returned to Delhi for our last night. I didn't miss England at all, not even the tele. There were tears as we left the village. I felt sick at the bottom of my stomach when we waved goodbye. I'd got a little gift for each of my cousins, and made my uncle promise he'd make sure they got them. † See you in four months† I said to him, as we dragged our entire luggage to the x-rays. I knew there wasn't much chance of my parents letting me come back in the summer holidays, even though I told them I was willing to go alone. Apparently, it was so hot, that I wouldn't be able to survive, and would get ill quickly. When Kuldeep asked me when I was coming back, I jokingly told her on her wedding day, though she is only seventeen, but I was surprised when she made keep it as a promise to her. I had picked up many skills throughout the holiday. These include: milking a cow, driving a tractor, making ghee, and insulting somebody in Punjabi, many of which are pretty useless to me in Britain, but it was the experience of learning theses things from my relatives that I treasure. When the plane landed in Britain, I don't think I've ever felt so down. I still want to turn around and go straight back. The weather suited my mood perfectly, it was pouring down. My friends at school and family said there were three things that had changed about me. My skin colour was darker, or as my friend Shona said, â€Å"glowing†. (This sounded much nicer. ) I had also lost a bit of weight, which I have unfortunately regained. I think the change that most people especially my relatives noticed was, that I spoke much nicer Punjabi, and my words flowed better. I think this is because, in England, I could get away with thinking in English, translating the words into the other language, and then letting them out. Whereas in India, you must think sharply and reply quickly, so I had to train my mind to think, as well as speak in Punjabi, which is why it has improved so much. Leaving Home It was the last time I saw my Mother. My grieving pain for my mothers love infinitely grew. She was god in my eyes but was I the god given daughter she had hoped for? Everyday I had run to her absorbing her warmth as I wrapped my long limbs around her waist. The waist that had carried me for nine months, but was I worth the wait? Mother's predictable great force would transfer into my weakened bones forcing me to collapse onto the striped wooden floor. I would land with a thud hoping that the chances of me receiving a hug the next day would increase. Maybe my accidental escape was for the best. Perhaps I was destined for this moment, this was fait in the palms of my hand, waiting for me to reach out and snatch the opportunity. Mother had snatched my rights to live as a normal human being away. It was forbidden for me to even talk to her. I needed permission. I told my self through every breath that everything would end up right, I was right. Rain, rain everywhere. Summer had died out, until next year. Autumn had approached me. My memory remained in the happy days but my solidified body moved on with life. My inner self, deep down, stands proud and fearless to this world creation signed to god. I always believed that if god brings you to it, he will bring you to it. I was eight. I was blessed with the perfect parents. Both their hearts were fulfilled with love and care. Every moment was heavenly. I lived in an averaged sized, 3-bedroom apartment in what was considered ‘normal. ‘ It was good enough for me. The oval shaped window revealed its outer secrets, the growing towers bordered with a beautiful skyline. Father was a man of great expectations. A man of many wise words. His broad shoulders would easily swing me from side to side like a wild hungry lion ripping and swinging his possession; his raw meat. In my case I was the loving prey for my Father, the predator, the bread winner of the family. I was his little princess. Mother was a lady, petite sized with a facial appearance carved from the clouds up above, the clouds in heaven. Mother was a woman who glowed with love for me. Her greatest asset was her silky, black locks that matched her thinly waxed eyebrows which also complimented her brown tan. One day, for the first time every Mother and Father were in their bedroom raving. It wasn't a common sign which usually are positive. I could hear smashing and slamming against the walls. My ears sensed danger. They were noises that I had never heard before. The sense of love that flowed like a river through the air had shattered into broken pieces like corrupted glass which were non-fixable. I could barely make out what was being said. My distraction towards the aromatic spices and herbs from the kitchen flew up my tempted nose. The cuisine had blended with my tears of sadness. I couldn't understand, everything used to be perfect, what could have happened? Before the argument I had thought of Mother's voice as a relaxing tone, music being played from a magical flute that only she could master. Then the tables had turned. My voice seemed as sweet as sugar compared to mothers. Hers was now flat and dull. The lifeless mono-tone wasn't Mother at all. It was as if a Hoover had vacuumed out the energy, the encouragement, the enthusiasm. I thought that the past argument was normal for all married couples until it became a trend. To see physical fighting would be less painful than my pain. It felt as if a needle had attempted to pierce its way through my heart but got stuck leaving never ending pain. The trend became daily. The light ore around both my parents, especially Mother, had faded into the dark shadows. As everyday passed the hatred between the two grew and grew. Mother's once soft, tanned skin mounted with make up for affect had altered to a yellow, pale colour. I preferred Mother without make up but it was far better then seeing Mother like this. She didn't even attempt to make her self look better. You could tell by the way that she lounged around the house that she was too lazy to even care. Mother would sit on the Indian decorated sofas which stood out. The black, long shiny hair had also moved on to knotted tangles. Personally I blame the bottles containing alcohol that Mother used to wash down accompanied with her finger-sized cigarettes. I would watch her drown her sorrows as the booze over took her mind flooding her inner self with this poison. Mother's behavior began to really show. As much as I detested my life I loved it. Half of my heart, the candy half, told me everything would be fine and to carry on loving Mother but the other half, the cold half, would send messages to my brain whispering in my ears for me to leave. To escape! Escape to where though? All the pressure from my parent's constant arguments was too much for me to handle. My sensitive brain was over powered. The repeated parrot phrase ‘leave home' would haunt me in my dreams. Everyday before bed time I would bend my legs, clasp my hands tightly together so pearls of sweat would form. I would pray to god with devotion asking for him to solve my problems. I wished to exit my world of stress and tension. I never gave up. I waited and waited and waited†¦ The day came unexpectedly. With care I would drift pass Mother's negative energy. Deep down my love grew towards Mother no matter what she was. Mother was soft and sweet like gum on the inside but her hardened shell took over on the outside. She was brainwashed. I was always alert of every sharp movement she made, every sligh glance she gave me in the corner of her beady camera eyes, every snarl she would utter under her rotten breath. I quickly limped across the carpet like a sneaky mouse to find my self in front of the powerful door. I called it the ‘deciding door' as it decided weather I should leave the house and never return. On the way I had passed the rose red, ribena stain from when I spilt my glass on the floor. Mother had rescued me from injury. The memories were so fresh in my mind. It was as if it were yesterday. As I opened the door, the invisible wind flew in and out of my ears sending shivers up and down my spine as if an elevator were traveling to different floors. I would stand there shivering, imagining myself in Mothers arms. The whole of my Indian coloured skin would cover in goose bumps, each individual one containing a hair all stood up equal sized looking like they were under commandment in an army. My first step onto the African rug could have been my last. I wished. My long legged limbs would co-operate together so I could travel to where I wished to travel. They were under my instructions. I reached the pavement on the sides of the roads. As the first car lead the rest my heat rotated at a ninety degree angle to the right. No cars in sight. As I reached mid point in the road an internal feeling of sickness approached me. I looked down to find no blood. My consciousness was fading vastly. As I tried to demand my legs to get up they laid there lifelessly. I blinked once, the blue sky. I blinked twice, half the sky. I blinked 3 times, nothing†¦ Leaving Home It was the last time I saw my Mother. My grieving pain for my mothers love infinitely grew. She was god in my eyes but was I the god given daughter she had hoped for? Everyday I had run to her absorbing her warmth as I wrapped my long limbs around her waist. The waist that had carried me for nine months, but was I worth the wait? Mother's predictable great force would transfer into my weakened bones forcing me to collapse onto the striped wooden floor. I would land with a thud hoping that the chances of me receiving a hug the next day would increase. Maybe my accidental escape was for the best. Perhaps I was destined for this moment, this was fait in the palms of my hand, waiting for me to reach out and snatch the opportunity. Mother had snatched my rights to live as a normal human being away. It was forbidden for me to even talk to her. I needed permission. I told my self through every breath that everything would end up right, I was right. Rain, rain everywhere. Summer had died out, until next year. Autumn had approached me. My memory remained in the happy days but my solidified body moved on with life. My inner self, deep down, stands proud and fearless to this world creation signed to god. I always believed that if god brings you to it, he will bring you to it. I was eight. I was blessed with the perfect parents. Both their hearts were fulfilled with love and care. Every moment was heavenly. I lived in an averaged sized, 3-bedroom apartment in what was considered ‘normal. ‘ It was good enough for me. The oval shaped window revealed its outer secrets, the growing towers bordered with a beautiful skyline. Father was a man of great expectations. A man of many wise words. His broad shoulders would easily swing me from side to side like a wild hungry lion ripping and swinging his possession; his raw meat. In my case I was the loving prey for my Father, the predator, the bread winner of the family. I was his little princess. Mother was a lady, petite sized with a facial appearance carved from the clouds up above, the clouds in heaven. Mother was a woman who glowed with love for me. Her greatest asset was her silky, black locks that matched her thinly waxed eyebrows which also complimented her brown tan. One day, for the first time every Mother and Father were in their bedroom raving. It wasn't a common sign which usually are positive. I could hear smashing and slamming against the walls. My ears sensed danger. They were noises that I had never heard before. The sense of love that flowed like a river through the air had shattered into broken pieces like corrupted glass which were non-fixable. I could barely make out what was being said. My distraction towards the aromatic spices and herbs from the kitchen flew up my tempted nose. The cuisine had blended with my tears of sadness. I couldn't understand, everything used to be perfect, what could have happened? Before the argument I had thought of Mother's voice as a relaxing tone, music being played from a magical flute that only she could master. Then the tables had turned. My voice seemed as sweet as sugar compared to mothers. Hers was now flat and dull. The lifeless mono-tone wasn't Mother at all. It was as if a Hoover had vacuumed out the energy, the encouragement, the enthusiasm. I thought that the past argument was normal for all married couples until it became a trend. To see physical fighting would be less painful than my pain. It felt as if a needle had attempted to pierce its way through my heart but got stuck leaving never ending pain. The trend became daily. The light ore around both my parents, especially Mother, had faded into the dark shadows. As everyday passed the hatred between the two grew and grew. Mother's once soft, tanned skin mounted with make up for affect had altered to a yellow, pale colour. I preferred Mother without make up but it was far better then seeing Mother like this. She didn't even attempt to make her self look better. You could tell by the way that she lounged around the house that she was too lazy to even care. Mother would sit on the Indian decorated sofas which stood out. The black, long shiny hair had also moved on to knotted tangles. Personally I blame the bottles containing alcohol that Mother used to wash down accompanied with her finger-sized cigarettes. I would watch her drown her sorrows as the booze over took her mind flooding her inner self with this poison. Mother's behavior began to really show. As much as I detested my life I loved it. Half of my heart, the candy half, told me everything would be fine and to carry on loving Mother but the other half, the cold half, would send messages to my brain whispering in my ears for me to leave. To escape! Escape to where though? All the pressure from my parent's constant arguments was too much for me to handle. My sensitive brain was over powered. The repeated parrot phrase ‘leave home' would haunt me in my dreams. Everyday before bed time I would bend my legs, clasp my hands tightly together so pearls of sweat would form. I would pray to god with devotion asking for him to solve my problems. I wished to exit my world of stress and tension. I never gave up. I waited and waited and waited†¦ The day came unexpectedly. With care I would drift pass Mother's negative energy. Deep down my love grew towards Mother no matter what she was. Mother was soft and sweet like gum on the inside but her hardened shell took over on the outside. She was brainwashed. I was always alert of every sharp movement she made, every sligh glance she gave me in the corner of her beady camera eyes, every snarl she would utter under her rotten breath. I quickly limped across the carpet like a sneaky mouse to find my self in front of the powerful door. I called it the ‘deciding door' as it decided weather I should leave the house and never return. On the way I had passed the rose red, ribena stain from when I spilt my glass on the floor. Mother had rescued me from injury. The memories were so fresh in my mind. It was as if it were yesterday. As I opened the door, the invisible wind flew in and out of my ears sending shivers up and down my spine as if an elevator were traveling to different floors. I would stand there shivering, imagining myself in Mothers arms. The whole of my Indian coloured skin would cover in goose bumps, each individual one containing a hair all stood up equal sized looking like they were under commandment in an army. My first step onto the African rug could have been my last. I wished. My long legged limbs would co-operate together so I could travel to where I wished to travel. They were under my instructions. I reached the pavement on the sides of the roads. As the first car lead the rest my heat rotated at a ninety degree angle to the right. No cars in sight. As I reached mid point in the road an internal feeling of sickness approached me. I looked down to find no blood. My consciousness was fading vastly. As I tried to demand my legs to get up they laid there lifelessly. I blinked once, the blue sky. I blinked twice, half the sky. I blinked 3 times, nothing†¦